Rob Fajardo
5 min readJan 26, 2020

The Power of Giving: Secrets to Receiving

One of the most interesting and compelling paradoxes of business is that when you GIVE more, you RECEIVE more.

At face value, GIVING and RECEIVING seem to be opposites, yet in this article I am going to share with you the secret benefits of giving and how giving opens you up to receiving abundantly.

Especially when it’s hard to give, you never know what’s around the corner, and once you give you pass the test.

As the founder of Leave Normal Behind™ (LNB™), the value of “giving” is so integral in our purpose and mission.

The mission of the LNB is to influence humanity in a positive way by inspiring others to become the best version of themselves, give back, create things that matter, and encourage others to do the same.

I’ve witnessed first hand how the power of giving enables you to attract opportunities seemingly out of thin air.

I want to highlight the principles of WHY this happens by focusing on important takeaways from The Go-Giver written by John David Mann and Bill Burg.

In addition, I will show you how Dennis Agalli, serial entrepreneur, has used these principles of giving to create success in life and business despite dealing with the challenges of immigrating to the United States from Europe alone at the age of 16.

He started working $7 an hour doing minimum-wage work in the restaurant business and slept in an attic that would be blistering hot in the summer and frigidly cold in the winter.

Dennis is a firm believer that, “Nothing comes without hard work, you have to work hard. Nothing comes easy. You must manage your emotions and remain resilient in tough times. Never give excuses and accept full responsibility for the ends results. Everything moves faster for you when you accept full responsibility for the results in your life.”

Now, at age 33, Agalli is the owner of the multi-million dollar pizza business Rocky’s Pizza Group, Rocky’s Pizza Vinoteca Inc.[1] and Old Country Coffee Corp.​ In addition, he is the owner of EZ Furniture Solutions Corp and oversees a private real estate & management portfolio.

The Go-Giver is a story of a young businessman’s journey to genuine success.

The book highlights the ‘5 stratospheric laws of success’ with enjoyable stories within the story. Pindar, a successful businessman, mentors the protagonist, Joe.

For a week, he shows Joe new ways to think and act. By the end, Joe is transformed and learns to focus on GIVING value rather than getting money and in turn he learns the secret to RECEIVING.

This book provides a simple and profound framework for genuine success. It focuses on being valuable and serving others, which is necessary for humanity to thrive.

Similarly, Agalli uses similar principles to achieve quantum levels of success through hard work, determination, and compassion for those around him.

Too much selfishness can cause self-destruction.

Collaboration and giving are the foundations of ‘enlightened self-interest’, which brings genuine human success.

If you help someone not expecting things in return, God will look after you no matter what.

Here are the most important takeaways:

  1. . Focus on what you will give,rather than what you can get.

Focus on staying receptive and you will tap into the virtuous cycle of giving and receiving, rather than just taking.

2. Apply what you learn the same day you first learn it.

In the story, Pindar teaches Joe one new law per day, and has a rule that he must apply the law that same day it is learned. Pindar’s reason for having Joe take action isn’t so that Pindar doesn’t waste his time, rather, it is so Joe doesn’t waste his own time.

3. The Law of Value = “Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take it payment”.

This is what separates the good from the great. High quality service happens when you focus more on giving than getting.

4. The Law of Compensation = “Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.”

While the first law is about your potential success, this law determines how much you actually earn.

5. There are three levels of a business, which are to “survive, save and serve”.

True, genuine success happens at this third level, when you go beyond getting what you can, and are able to give to others.

6. The Law of Influence = “Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first”.

When you network, focus on abundantly providing value. Your network should be “your army of personal walking ambassadors”; watch out for their interests, focus on their win. Influence comes first, then money, not the other way around. This paradigm shift makes you magnetic.

7. The Law of Authenticity = “The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself”.

Forget about closing, forget about getting ahead, just be yourself and give value.

8. The Law of Receptivity = “The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving”.

It is only natural to receive. The secret to being a go-giver is staying open to receive. There is a duality between giving-and-receiving that you must respect and acknowledge. When you give, you receive… that’s it..


Commit to being receptive and say “I am open to receiving” multiple times throughout this upcoming week.

Consciously understand your role and how it fits into your life and/or business.

Feel truly confident in your role and identify how you can provide the most value to those in your life and business by giving your time and talents.

By doing this you will attract abundance into your life because of the energetic ripple effect you are creating.

Take ONE ACTION STEP from this entire article and REALLY focus on applying it tonight and tomorrow.

As Pindar has ‘conditions’ for Joe in thi. s story, I have these conditions for you after reading this article…. Go and DO.

By NOT applying this knowledge you are only screwing yourself.

By just reading, you are WASTING YOUR TIME.

You will only Leave Normal Behind by ACTING on this knowledge and become a better version of yourself by creating things that matter.

Focus on receiving this week!

You are ready for it.

If you or someone you know is leaving normal behind then email to connect with me.

Rob Fajardo
Rob Fajardo

Written by Rob Fajardo

Rob Fajardo is a sought-after Forbes featured millennial influencer, speaker, and business advisor. He is the founder of Leave Normal Behind.

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